April 6, 2011

30 day post- Day 6

Day 6 - A photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet

OK this is a fairly simple one. NONE. EVER. ZILCH. I will explain before you think I am a horrible animal hater of a person. We just built a brand new house. White walls. White wood work. New carpet. No fence. We have a 2 year old. Need I say more?? OK I will.
I hate cats. H A T E. I grew up around them and have no love or need for them. There I said it. I LOVE kittens. Hate cats. Ha. If they stayed little I would have 20 (which is illegal).
Growing up we had a Dog. A Bichon Frise (or a bitchin Dog as my Mom called her. HA it wasn't a good term either). Princess. Was inbred. Sorry but she wasn't all there. She was allergic to grass. I mean really?? A DOG? We had to put her down after a tragic accident involving Princesses leg and the neighbor kid. It was horrible and sad. But it was save the Dog, or get Nat braces. You can see who won. Nat has gorgeous teeth. (ha hope she doesn't read this and think I blame her, it was the Dog's time, she was 10)
Anywho all that to say I am not a dog person. They cost a LOOOOTTT of $. They are dirty. They are obnoxious. But they are loving, and a good companion. I know this. So I get my Dog lovin next door on Henry. Hailey LOVESSS Henry. All I ever hear about is Doggydoggydoggydoggy all day and night. She is always wanting to go outside and see if Henry is out. But alias she will most likely never have pets in her own house.
When I met Steve he had a Rottweiler. Smudge was a sweet girl. All 125 shedding black hair pounds. I won't go into the story of why she is no longer in the family, but it was a good thing and we like to think she is playing on a farm somewhere with lots of other Dogs running and happy!
The ONLY thing I would ever consider is a nice goldfish. Just like Megan's fish when I moved in Pluma. <3 Pluma RIP!

1 comment:

Casey said...

I hate cats, too! Agreed, kittens are just fine, but once they get out of the cute fuzzy stage they just turn weird!! And no dogs!? Lol, we have three so I'm a bit partial to dogs...but they're definitely a LOT of work. Don't know how that will all work out when we start having babies!?!? We'll be living a live three ring circus I'm assuming!