April 21, 2011

30 day post- Day 17

Day 17 - A photo of you and your family.

OK ready?? GO! (I'll be posting quite a few!)

One of our very first family pictures together of the 3 of us! (nobody wants to see our very first pic as a fam of 3. Momma looked like hell not pretty)

Christmas Card pic '09

Christmas Card pic '10

Summer of '10

My immediate family. Pops, Moma, Me, Hubs, Nat, Brian, and Brother Andy

Steve's immediate family. Brother Scott, Nick, Micah, Jacob, sil Shelley, Me, Hubs, Mil Sheri, Trinity, fil Rick

Of course we both have AMAZING extended families but it would take forever to post pictures of all of them! And my friends are family as well! So for time's sake I won't post 39098 pics :)

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