So we'll start off first that there is only like 5 weeks until we move!!!! I told Steve last night that is it about how long "normal" people that are buying a pre-existing home have to wait until they close and move. Of course they have carpet and toilets and things installed in their house and we don't but that is beyond the point! Ha. This week is Thanksgiving, next weekend I am in Denver and then Christmas 2 weeks after and then we start the closing process! Walk through, meeting with the builder, and then closing and moving!!! I really hope we get a lot of friends and family to help us move because it is going to drive me bonkers that I can't do anything or carry anything heavier then a pillow. I know Steve is going to be all over me and freak out if I do or lift anything so I will just give orders :) We went to see the house this past Saturday and we finally have cabinets! Yay! They are so so so gorgeous and I could NOT be happier. I was kind of worried because me and Steve are pretty particular about wood types and colors and we were worried these would be to dark but they are perfect!!!! Here is a shot of the kitchen:
And the master bedroom:
And here are all the interior doors! Aren't they pretty?? They weren't painted so once they are white they will look very sheek:
We also had some of our baseboards in which seemed weird to me b/c we don't have carpet yet?? But again I don't know how these things work. I did take a picture but I won't bore you with posting a picture of the floor with white piece of woodwork on it. Ha.
Now on to the $ shot. I know ya'll are dying to see Ms. Fatty:
I am pretty please with how the picture turned out. I'm not as fat as I thought. Please don't look at my face just my lil belly ;) Ha. 2 weeks and 2 days until we find out how the baby is and WHAT the baby is! YAY!!! It won't be a Bean much longer we can start calling it but a real name! Not sure if we are going to tell everybody the name or keep it a secret until after it's born. I am VERY indecisive and might change my mind. Ha. But I will be sure to tell you what the babies name ISN'T! Ha. Hope everybody had a good weekend!! :)
You look SO cute!!
Drive-by comment: I hope that whenever your kid shows up, you don't write first-person blogs on your baby's behalf. Things like "I was born today, I love my [inanimate baby object]!" Guess what? That's gay. Just saying.
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