September 30, 2011


So much randomness in my brain and life I had to get it all down while I could. Plus I am a bad blogger (not that anybody reads this!) so here ya go........please be prepared to be confused by my thoughts ;)

*So many times on the blog you will see Baby Girl #2 referenced to as Peanut or Baby Franklin. I'm sure you remember we called Hailey Bean as soon as we found out we were pregnant. This time it just made sense to name the Baby Peanut.
When we were in Michigan this past summer I was talking to Crissi about picking baby names and she said they told Sadie (who was almost 2 at the time) the baby's real name. She couldn't say Chloe so she called her Biff. I found this HILARIOUS and so wanted Hailey to call her baby sister Biff. She looked at me like I was on crack of course, so I tried out Franklin. I think it would be hilarious if the Grandma's or friends were pushing Hailey for the babies name and she told um it was Franklin. It hasn't stuck for Hailey, she only refers to her as Baby Sister (even when Gramma asked last week. Good try!), but when friends ask me what the baby's name is going to be I tell them we aren't telling, if they push I tell them Franklin and it's kinda stuck. Poor kid ;)

*I don't know what they are or where they come from but I have these teeny tiny little fly things in my house. Everywhere. One day I killed 6, the next 3. There are still 1 or 2. Really?? At least probably 15?? UGH makes me feel dirty!!! They hang out on the kitchen counter where I keep our fruit which makes me think they are fruit flies. Am I bringing them home in my produce?? I have tried everything to get rid of them. I loathe them. Hailey laughs at me and is entertained when I am on a killing rampage. So gross! Please tell me somebody else has the same problem.......

*Hailey is a special child just like her Momma. Ha. She has her own little language for things that nobody understands but me. Sometimes I don't even know what she wants and it takes me awhile to figure out. But I LOVE the way she talks and how cute her little voice is. After being told she couldn't/wouldn't talk I try not to get frustrated when she doesn't shut up ;)
Her word for Fruit snacks is Pookats. Or something simular. If I tell her to say fruit she says "fruit" then I say snacks "shancks" OK so say FRUIT SNACKS "pookats!" lol.
Special treat is another one that is super hard to figure out. She was asking for it one night when we were out w/ Aunt Nat and I thought she was saying, something about her feet, or brush teeth, it sounds like "peshal peet" ha. When I finally figured out (3 days later) it was special treat she was so excited I knew what she meant!
I LOVE the way she says her L's sometime. Somethings she can say it normal but for the words little and like it's "yiddle" or "yike" soooo funny.
When she wants something she used to just demand it. I wouldn't give in and would tell her over and over how to ask nicely. So she would go "GET UP!!!" wanting to get up on the kitchen counter to watch/help me cook (I use the word help loosely). So I would say "that isn't how we ask. You say please Momma may I get up?". Ha little did I know she was listening. Now it's seriously the CUTEST thing ever every time she wants up she says "Please Momma Hayhe get up?" lol cracks me up. How can I say no to that?? So now if there is something she REALLY wants it's "Please Momma Hayhe _____ ?" then she will even smile and say "good asquing" (good asking) ha sooo adorable. She cracks me up. Love that girl

*She has become QUITE the independent D I V A. She wants to pick out every single thing she wears every single day. From her shirts to her socks and shoes. Most of the time it's OK but sometimes it's a huge fight. The things she puts together is hilarious. Honestly for a 2 and almost 1/2 year old she does pretty well. She doesn't put to many crazy colors/patterns together. I think she remembers things Momma puts together and picks them out as a pair. But sometimes when Daddy is in charge of getting dressed time you never know. Saturday she came out in her gray/red Husker shirts and her pink leggins with skirt attached. Ah so lovely

*She is also insentient on talking on the phone to whoever I am talking to. Which would usually be fine except she doesn't talk. She talks in like the most quiet whisper you have ever heard. It's funny and annoying. We're working on it and she is getting better. That weird girl

*So I don't remember exactly when it was with my pregnancy with Hailey (I'm sure I blogged it and could go back and read to find out if I really wanted to.) but from the way she acted in the womb I totally pegged her personality. I don't know if it's this way with all babies, maybe some are totally active and crazy in the womb and come out all chill and never cry, but not my baby. She was crazy inside and crazy outside. Everything I guessed about her inside is exactly the same today. Funny. Franklin I'm hoping is polar opposite. When I would push on Hailey inside she would kick like the dickens back at me. But if Steve touched she would immediately stop. She is super calm around Steve and always listens to him. He always has to back me up w/ discipline and often take over cuz she doesn't obey me, but Daddy oh heck yes. To funny. Franklin, is just quiet a LOT more. She seems to sleep more often and if anybody puts their hand on my belly she stops what she is doing. I'm hoping this translates to calm, not crying, easy to sleep and just better demeanor then her sis. But we'll see! I will love her to death no matter what, just like her Big Sis but God owes me! lol

*This has the potential of getting VERY long, but over the last few weeks (months, since Hay was born even!) I realized I had kids for a VERY selfish reason. I don't mean that in a bad way either. I think it's healthy. I babysat MANY kids over the years whose parents both worked full time, and then went out almost every weekend and left the kids with whoever/grandparents/babysitters. Now I am just judging these parents, not my place, but it wasn't healthy. I realize there has to be a balance, I'm not going to NEVER leave my kids, I can't be with them 24/7 and stay sane. But I also didn't have them, birth them, only to hand them over once or twice a week cuz I need a break or ME time. I would much rather take Hailey w/ me to Target then leave her. We love going to the zoo, park, mall, etc together. She is my go girl! I just love having her w/ me and she loves her Momma. I didn't leave Hailey in the church nursery until she was 15 months old. It won't be that long before I leave Peanut, and I wished I had left Hay sooner but I wasn't comfortable and she was a HARD horrible baby. I have learned and let go, I just wish some people would appreciate that! :)

*My most favorite thing about fall/winter came out a couple weeks ago. Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash Heaven in a bottle that stuff is. I try to limit myself but it's sooooooooo delish and refreshing I just LOVE it and could drink several cans a day!

*So literally the day after we found out Peanut was a girl I pulled all of Hailey's old clothes out of the basement to see what I needed and what I had. I was stressed I was having babies born in different seasons, but it's turned out to be OK. Newborns wear the same stuff no matter what time of year it is right? ;) Well, I had everything except a couple of my most favorite zip up sleepers. I could not find them for the life of me. Did I throw them away?? I looked and looked for them. Then I was looking through Hailey's newborn pics on facebook, and I realized I was missing 10 or so onesies, and some other sleepers. WHAT??? I was so upset. Where was this missing box of clothes?? It took me 2 months but I finally figured out I had loaned some stuff to my good friend Holly when her little girl was born about 3 months after Hailey. HA! I felt sooooooo stupid. My brain is fried I swear! lol

*I don't know if it's the fact that I am/was bigger during the summer months this pregnancy, but even since the weather has cooled down a little, I haven't been able to wear pants or socks to bed this whole pregnancy. If I do I wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. Gross. This is extremely hard for me because I always wear a t-shirt (or long sleeve shirt in the winter months), pants, and heavy socks to bed. I did notice my hormones changed drastically after having Hailey, I sweat at anything. Loading grocery's in the dead of winter will make me pit out. Gross. The things we go through for our kids!!

*Thee best $20 I ever spent in my life (which I didn't even have to use MY $, it was all in gift cards from my Birthday last year. Whot!) was to get a umbrella stroller at Target. Every.Single. Day Hailey asks to go outside and play "yiddle stroller". We mostly oblige as long as the weather is decent, she pushes it up and down the sidewalk to the driveways on either side of our house. It's hilarious! She has only attempted to go in the street a couple times but listens extremely well for a 2 year old, and knows her boundaries. (I think she also knows if she breaks the rules we go in. No ?'s asked) It's hilarious how obsessed with that stupid stroller she is. Who needs bikes, and expensive toys when you have an umbrella stroller?

*So even though my girl is a very very talkative 2 year old and can communicate extremely well to me, we are still having our struggles.
There are SO MANY things about 2 nobody tells you. Yes I knew we would have tantrums, and hard days. I realize this is the age you mold and shape them the most and it will be trying. But my land. Nobody tells you that at 2 they will stop eating/feeding themselves, sleeping, and pooping. Seriously??
Not long after I found out I was pregnant and Hailey turned 2 she completely stopped eating at meal times. She would snack allllllll day so I cut that out in hopes she would be hungry for lunch/dinner. I know she was hungry but she refused to feed herself and would make me or Steve do it. It was soooo frustrating! She is finally getting better after 6 months but is still a finicky eater. It's so hard but I just try to make things she likes and ignore her completely at meal times. If she gets attention she refuses to eat until she gets more attention. So if we ignore that she is even there she will shove it in. Weird girl. Oh but the last 2 weeks she has stopped using utensils. So lovely. Oh well at least I don't have to feed it to her!
At the beginning of September I noticed she had a huge change in her #2 function. Sorry this is TMI but I must document b/c it's been a HUGE part of our lives the last month or so. She would go like once a week, maybe twice. And when she as going she was screaming bloody murder like somebody was attacking her. It was horrible. I have bought just about everything in walmart to make the kid go and slowly it's getting better. But it's been a headache and I was completely obsessed w/ her pooping habits for weeks, calling my Mom everyday to ask her what to do. I gave it over to God and starting giving her suppository's and cut out vitamins. Who knew the girl was over loaded on vitamins, I don't think her body could process all that iron and stuff. So weird. She still screams like it kills her but at least she is going about every other day now. Hopefully we get there, but it's been stressful on Momma! The potty dance she does before going (which can sometime last 2 days), is quite entertaining though!
Sleeping; oh the sleeping. This is going to be LOOOONNNGGGG! Before we went to Michigan at the end of July, I think it started the end of June, she stopped sleeping through the night. She would wake multiple times a night crying for no reason. Mostly she had lost her binkies so I would find them on the floor and give them to her and she would go back to sleep. Sometimes it was 2-3 times a night though. Sooooooo hard! Then we went to Michigan and came home and she was still up crying in the night. So we took the plunge and took the side off her crib and made it into a "toddler bed". I figured if she wasn't sleeping in the crib she wouldn't sleep any better in the toddler bed. We had a couple good nights here and there, and to this day she has never gotten out of her bed, Praise Jesus! But she almost always does 1 or 3 things a night;
1)Not go to bed w/out crying. Sometimes it can take up to an hour and a 1/2 of crying before she will sleep. This is extremely frustrating for me and I lose my patience quickly. She won't tell me what she wants/needs or why she is crying. If I ask her what is wrong she just repeats what I am asking. So helpful! So over time we have realized I have to be super duper strict about her nap times during the day, if she sleeps to late or is off she won't sleep well at night. Also if she is up late at night, then 2 nights later are super duper hard and we pay for it.
2)Waking up in the middle of the night for no reason screaming and crying for Momma. She doesn't want to sleep in her bed anymore and wants to come sleep with me. Sometimes at 3am I give in just b/c I need sleep so bad. But I have stopped and we're crying it out. I go in and check her, as long as she hasn't pooped, thrown up, isn't sick or have a fever then I lay her down and leave. If she starts crying again I just leave her. It's tiring and horrible but I know it will be worth it. I can't deal w/ 2 crying in the middle of the night when Peanut is here.
3)waking up 2+ hours early. Luckily this is pretty much over. Right after we got home from Michigan and a couple weeks following she was getting up at 7am everyday. Oh lord it was horrible! She will sleep in now until about 8:30-9am but no more 10am like it was before. Oh well.
So there it is 2. It sucks. Sorry. I hear 3 is worse..........I may need to be committed. It really can't get worse then this can it?? Oy vey.........

*So I wouldn't tag myself as some one who is a germ-a-phoebe (Steve yes, me no), but I am FREAKED out about when Franklin is going to be born. It's going to be December, in the dead of winter, middle of cold and flu season. I'm alllllllll about washing hands and sanitizer. This year?!?! Do NOT COME NEAR ME AND MY BRAND NEW BABY. Or my toddler, b/c she will somehow pass it along to Franklin and we will all end up in the hospital and die. A little dramatic? Me?? Never. Ha. But seriously, thinking about it makes me nervous. Being in the hospital doesn't thrill me either. Why do they make women go to the place where people go when they are dying sick? Stupid.
Is it insane to tell people that if they have had a fever, cold, flu, stomach bug, or anything else in the last WEEK to not come near us?? I'm sure 24 hours is enough time, but not for this hyper Momma. Ugh I need to give this to God and let it go. I'm still going to be extra cautious though.........

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