So I've been bad a blogger but I am going to try to get better. This might be long I'm just going to type and get everything out that I haven't updated on in the last couple weeks :) So either bear with me or skip over me cuz I might daddle on and on (who me?!? NEVER) and get long and boring. Ha
First off Pregnancy:
I have less then 7 weeks now! That is God for bid if she decides to be as stubborn as her parents and wait until after her "due date". I asked my Dr on Thursday during my apt how long he would let me go and he said not a day after 41 weeks. Woohoo! So folks that is May 7th. (not that I am counting or keeping track or anything right?) I'm praying and hoping she will make her appearance sooner then that, sometime between 38-39 weeks would be perfect for me! But we'll see. As long as she is healthy and I can push her out fine that is all I care about. Hopefully she won't have her Father's HUGE head :) hehe. I am so so so so so ready for her to come now. Well, physically I should say. I am so tired and huge and in pain. I'm trying SO hard not to complain and be a horrible pain in the you-know-what but I'm pretty sure I am. Haha. It's getting hard to sleep, laying on my side hurts, I shove pillows all around me but then I get to hot, I'm hot so I take covers off, then I am cold and add them back on. All my pants are to tight and don't fit me (I have been wearing Steve's basketball pants the last 3 days and even left the house in them. Oops), and none of my shirts are long enough to cover my belly. Ha. I've also got Edema or whatever the heck it's called. My feet are officially HUGE and water filled. None of my rings fit anymore :( Which is VERY hard for me. I hate being that "single pregnant" lady. Haha am I crazy or what?? I just feel so naked w/out my wedding ring on but I don't want it to be cut off either so I quit wearing it last week. I digress..............
I had a MAJOR scare this past Friday before work. First off I just have to say that I LOVE getting to know this little person inside of me. She is FULL of personality. She is always awake and most active right around meal times. (I almost always eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same times everyday) She flops all over the place and it's insane. She HATES being woken up or moved if she is hurting me. Yes she LOVES to shove her feet and legs in my sides and ribs and I will move her to a different position because I usually can't handle the pain. She is totally like her Daddy and it's so funny to see the similarities already. I can tell when she is sleeping she is going to want to be LEFT alone and not touched or messed with. Let the princess sleep! So anyways, all that to say that I worked the 9-6 shift Friday at work verses my usual 8-5 shift. So we got to sleep in another hour and I was behind on my breakfast by an hour. Apparently this threw lil miss off. She is most active when I am at work from 8-9:30 and then naps until lunch time around 11:30. Well, she was NOT moving much that morning at all. Not even after I ate breakfast. I was getting really worried. Dr R told me Thursday (the day before) at my apt that she was head down, WAY down and is already starting to engage and get ready for delivery. (woohoo this was the BEST news to me! But also explains the horrible bone pain I have been having and thought maybe it was some kind of weird contractions. Nope just her shoving her head into my pelvis bones spreading them apart. So lovely. But alas at 34 weeks I still have yet to feel any sort of contraction, real or braxton hicks) So I know her position mostly. I can feel what is her back and her butt and what is a leg. After not being able to feel her for over an hour I started going crazy. I called Steve hysterical crying in a panic. He was willing to come home and take me to the ER for a ultra sound (this was at 8:20 and my Dr office doesn't open until 9 other wise I would have just called them), but I said no I would wait and see if she would just move. I pushed and pushed and PUSHED like a mad woman on her back. I was shifting her from my left side to completely over to my right and nothing back. Not even a lil kick. Nothing. I squished my belly, jumped up and down, ate skittles (they say sugar helps them move?? NO? Maybe I just wanted skittles don't judge me), drank a BUNCH of water, went potty, laid down really still, even put ice pack on my belly (she HATES cold. Steve has the coldest hands in America I swear and if he touches my belly with them she twitches. it's hilarious), EVERYTHING I could think of. I was hysterical. I was crying and praying vastly to God to make her move if she was OK other wise I needed a sign to go to the hospital. Well, I decided to go to work and see if she would move then. Once we got in the car and I turned on the radio "I Am A Friend Of God" by Phillips, Craig and Dean came on and I blared it and started singing to her and tapping my belly telling her to move. As soon as I did that I left a foot move over to my hand that was tapping as if to say "I'm here Momma I'm just sleepy and want to be left alone" oh my I LOST it. I could barely see to drive I was crying so hard! I called Steve back and he was totally relived and probably thought I was totally psycho. As soon as I got to my desk there she was flopping around and flipping all over inside of me. I seriously think she was the most active that day that she has EVER been. Before when she would flop around in me and push on me I would whine and complain and tell her to stop and that she was hurting me. NEVER AGAIN. I swear she can do whatever she wants to me as long as she is OK!
So my question to you is now; if I am this psycho and neurotic BEFORE she is here what am I gonna be like when she does actually get here? Oh my! I don't want to be one of those horrible overbaring Mother's that holds her kids hand the whole time on the playground! But I was seriously worried and I know my Girl and her not moving for that long like that is totally odd! OK ya'll pray for me I think I'm gonna need it ;) Haha
Our house is pretty much at a stand still. Steve has had some scares the last couple weeks at work, 3 co workers from his dept got fired and now his boss who was "taking care" of Steve and his job is leaving. :/ It's all in God's hands and I'm really not THAT worried like I normally would be, but we're trying to make good choices financially and be careful w/ our spending. I would LOVE to hire a friend to paint the living room/kitchen/hallways but we decided it can wait until either this fall or even next spring. Bean's nursery is almost complete just need her changing table and some wall decor and she is good to go! Oh plus all the stuff to fill it! She has some clothes and a couple blankets and that is about it! Our shower is in 2 weeks and I am completely stoked! I'm sure I'll feel MUCH more ready after we get some more clothes and bath stuff and bottles and all that good stuff :) I'm getting so excited!!!!
Me and Steve are trying to spend as much time together just the 2 of us as possible and soak it all up before our lives completely change and we never have time to say hi to each other. :) Haha j/k I know we will always make time and have date nights but we know life won't be the same after she is here! I have lots of fun things planned for us over the next couple weeks, movies to rent, places to eat out, and little things around the house to do together. We're going to start scrapbooking pictures of our house being built in all the different stages so hopefully I can stay with it and actually finish a book!
We attended a class last Tuesday night that was taught by the Nurse Prac. in my Dr office. It was called Baby Camp and was just very basic info, what changes your body goes through during pregnancy, labor, and post partum. It was helpful but not a lot of new info that we haven't read in books/online. It was VERY cute though, there were 4 other couples and the men were so into this and asking questions and everything. It was funny. Steve was asking questions about contractions and pain meds and taking notes. It was sooo sweet, he just melts my heart how involved and excited he is. I'm very lucky! We are also taking a Breastfeeding class tonight at the hospital and I am most excited about this. I have a list of questions to ask and I know I will learn a lot. I am not scared of the pain or anything I just really am fixed on this working for us and my daughter having the best chance at a healthy life. :) I'll let ya'll know how it goes! Hehe. I have already warned Steve of the graphic nature of this class and I'm sure we'll both be surprised by things we see and hear.
First off Pregnancy:
I have less then 7 weeks now! That is God for bid if she decides to be as stubborn as her parents and wait until after her "due date". I asked my Dr on Thursday during my apt how long he would let me go and he said not a day after 41 weeks. Woohoo! So folks that is May 7th. (not that I am counting or keeping track or anything right?) I'm praying and hoping she will make her appearance sooner then that, sometime between 38-39 weeks would be perfect for me! But we'll see. As long as she is healthy and I can push her out fine that is all I care about. Hopefully she won't have her Father's HUGE head :) hehe. I am so so so so so ready for her to come now. Well, physically I should say. I am so tired and huge and in pain. I'm trying SO hard not to complain and be a horrible pain in the you-know-what but I'm pretty sure I am. Haha. It's getting hard to sleep, laying on my side hurts, I shove pillows all around me but then I get to hot, I'm hot so I take covers off, then I am cold and add them back on. All my pants are to tight and don't fit me (I have been wearing Steve's basketball pants the last 3 days and even left the house in them. Oops), and none of my shirts are long enough to cover my belly. Ha. I've also got Edema or whatever the heck it's called. My feet are officially HUGE and water filled. None of my rings fit anymore :( Which is VERY hard for me. I hate being that "single pregnant" lady. Haha am I crazy or what?? I just feel so naked w/out my wedding ring on but I don't want it to be cut off either so I quit wearing it last week. I digress..............
I had a MAJOR scare this past Friday before work. First off I just have to say that I LOVE getting to know this little person inside of me. She is FULL of personality. She is always awake and most active right around meal times. (I almost always eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same times everyday) She flops all over the place and it's insane. She HATES being woken up or moved if she is hurting me. Yes she LOVES to shove her feet and legs in my sides and ribs and I will move her to a different position because I usually can't handle the pain. She is totally like her Daddy and it's so funny to see the similarities already. I can tell when she is sleeping she is going to want to be LEFT alone and not touched or messed with. Let the princess sleep! So anyways, all that to say that I worked the 9-6 shift Friday at work verses my usual 8-5 shift. So we got to sleep in another hour and I was behind on my breakfast by an hour. Apparently this threw lil miss off. She is most active when I am at work from 8-9:30 and then naps until lunch time around 11:30. Well, she was NOT moving much that morning at all. Not even after I ate breakfast. I was getting really worried. Dr R told me Thursday (the day before) at my apt that she was head down, WAY down and is already starting to engage and get ready for delivery. (woohoo this was the BEST news to me! But also explains the horrible bone pain I have been having and thought maybe it was some kind of weird contractions. Nope just her shoving her head into my pelvis bones spreading them apart. So lovely. But alas at 34 weeks I still have yet to feel any sort of contraction, real or braxton hicks) So I know her position mostly. I can feel what is her back and her butt and what is a leg. After not being able to feel her for over an hour I started going crazy. I called Steve hysterical crying in a panic. He was willing to come home and take me to the ER for a ultra sound (this was at 8:20 and my Dr office doesn't open until 9 other wise I would have just called them), but I said no I would wait and see if she would just move. I pushed and pushed and PUSHED like a mad woman on her back. I was shifting her from my left side to completely over to my right and nothing back. Not even a lil kick. Nothing. I squished my belly, jumped up and down, ate skittles (they say sugar helps them move?? NO? Maybe I just wanted skittles don't judge me), drank a BUNCH of water, went potty, laid down really still, even put ice pack on my belly (she HATES cold. Steve has the coldest hands in America I swear and if he touches my belly with them she twitches. it's hilarious), EVERYTHING I could think of. I was hysterical. I was crying and praying vastly to God to make her move if she was OK other wise I needed a sign to go to the hospital. Well, I decided to go to work and see if she would move then. Once we got in the car and I turned on the radio "I Am A Friend Of God" by Phillips, Craig and Dean came on and I blared it and started singing to her and tapping my belly telling her to move. As soon as I did that I left a foot move over to my hand that was tapping as if to say "I'm here Momma I'm just sleepy and want to be left alone" oh my I LOST it. I could barely see to drive I was crying so hard! I called Steve back and he was totally relived and probably thought I was totally psycho. As soon as I got to my desk there she was flopping around and flipping all over inside of me. I seriously think she was the most active that day that she has EVER been. Before when she would flop around in me and push on me I would whine and complain and tell her to stop and that she was hurting me. NEVER AGAIN. I swear she can do whatever she wants to me as long as she is OK!
So my question to you is now; if I am this psycho and neurotic BEFORE she is here what am I gonna be like when she does actually get here? Oh my! I don't want to be one of those horrible overbaring Mother's that holds her kids hand the whole time on the playground! But I was seriously worried and I know my Girl and her not moving for that long like that is totally odd! OK ya'll pray for me I think I'm gonna need it ;) Haha
Our house is pretty much at a stand still. Steve has had some scares the last couple weeks at work, 3 co workers from his dept got fired and now his boss who was "taking care" of Steve and his job is leaving. :/ It's all in God's hands and I'm really not THAT worried like I normally would be, but we're trying to make good choices financially and be careful w/ our spending. I would LOVE to hire a friend to paint the living room/kitchen/hallways but we decided it can wait until either this fall or even next spring. Bean's nursery is almost complete just need her changing table and some wall decor and she is good to go! Oh plus all the stuff to fill it! She has some clothes and a couple blankets and that is about it! Our shower is in 2 weeks and I am completely stoked! I'm sure I'll feel MUCH more ready after we get some more clothes and bath stuff and bottles and all that good stuff :) I'm getting so excited!!!!
Me and Steve are trying to spend as much time together just the 2 of us as possible and soak it all up before our lives completely change and we never have time to say hi to each other. :) Haha j/k I know we will always make time and have date nights but we know life won't be the same after she is here! I have lots of fun things planned for us over the next couple weeks, movies to rent, places to eat out, and little things around the house to do together. We're going to start scrapbooking pictures of our house being built in all the different stages so hopefully I can stay with it and actually finish a book!
We attended a class last Tuesday night that was taught by the Nurse Prac. in my Dr office. It was called Baby Camp and was just very basic info, what changes your body goes through during pregnancy, labor, and post partum. It was helpful but not a lot of new info that we haven't read in books/online. It was VERY cute though, there were 4 other couples and the men were so into this and asking questions and everything. It was funny. Steve was asking questions about contractions and pain meds and taking notes. It was sooo sweet, he just melts my heart how involved and excited he is. I'm very lucky! We are also taking a Breastfeeding class tonight at the hospital and I am most excited about this. I have a list of questions to ask and I know I will learn a lot. I am not scared of the pain or anything I just really am fixed on this working for us and my daughter having the best chance at a healthy life. :) I'll let ya'll know how it goes! Hehe. I have already warned Steve of the graphic nature of this class and I'm sure we'll both be surprised by things we see and hear.
With out further ado here are some pictures from the last couple weeks!!!
32 weeks and 3 days pregnant and her crib all put together! YAY!
34 weeks and 1 day
P.S. Make sure to go fill out our fun survey on the left side of our blog!! You can guess what day Hailey will arrive and how big she will be and stuff! So fun to see everybody's guesses!!! Maybe I'll even send a prize to the winner! :) So hurry and go guess NOW people!!!!
You're going to get up in the night the first time she sleeps all the way through and hold a mirror under her nose to see if she's breathing, aren't you? LOL
Don't worry - I was a little worried about that stuff, too! I used to gently put my hand on my babies to make sure I could feel their chest rise and fall...
Love the new belly shots! You are so NOT huge. I wish I would have had more pics of me pregnant, but I hate having my picture taken. It's too bad I didn't think to just take a picture of my belly. Oh well, too late now.
I think your crib is almost identical to the one we have for Jib, except ours is plain pine (not painted). Does yours make into a toddler bed & full size bed, too? I love convertible furniture.
Your couch is pretty, I like how you pick up the blue from the curtains in the pillows on the couch!
Will be praying for Steve's job - it's always stressful when you aren't certain of how long your job might last.
PS - Way to go with taking the breastfeeding classes - I wish I had done that with my 1st.
You are the cutest pregnant momma ever! So sweet. And the worrying doesn't stop once their born- but it is so much sweeter! You will be a great little momma. Hope you learned a lot at the baby camp and bf class. Learning to bf is a dance- best done by experience and time- but being prepared will help. House is looking great. Keep us posted on the job front! I can't believe your countdown ticker is getting so low!!!
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