May 8, 2009

Labor and Delivery.......

So not sure if this will be in parts or if I'll be able to get it all down in one post. Peanut is asleep but I can hear her moving on the monitor and Lord knows as soon as I try to get something done she is awake and wants to eat! So bear with me..........

**this will be graphic and loads of TMI so fare warning for all you men or non-mother's out there. I won't hold back details. This is for me to remember especially when I say I want another child I will come and read this and remember! HA**

Let's see I guess I'll start at the weekend before she was born. We went to my parents Saturday night to celebrate Easter. I started having contractions during dinner. They sucked and hurt but honestly I've had worse PMS cramps before. They were over after a couple hours and I didn't have anymore all day Sunday. (which I was upset about because even though I was early I was miserable and READY for this Baby to come out of me) I had some strong ones Monday at work, and when I went to my Dr for my weekly check up he said I was only 2 cm dilated and he was going to make me wait another 2 weeks before he would "kick start" anything for me :( So I went home fat, swollen, and miserable. We put together the changing table that night and I started bleeding. My Dr said I would but it still freaked me out. I barely got any sleep those last couple nights I was so huge and uncomfortable and Bean would get the hiccups almost every night I swear it was so annoying!!! So Tuesday came and went (don't remember anything) and Tuesday night I slept amazing. I got over 9 hours of straight sleep. I didn't wake up once even to pee. I swear God knew I needed my rest. I woke up slightly less swollen then usual, no headache, feeling amazing. I was walking to the bathroom to take a shower and felt something leak out of me. Now I'm not stupid I knew I didn't pee myself. It felt just like normal "discharge" and kinda freaked that maybe my water broke but honestly I wasn't even 38 wks yet and just KNEW this baby would be late not 2 weeks early. So I get in the shower and I feel more "stuff" leaking out of me. Whatever. So I go and make myself a bowl of oatmeal and when I sat down I felt a pretty big gush of whatever fluid was coming out of me. So I run to the bathroom, and come out and tell Steve. Of course his answer was not to go to work and just sit and wait for the Dr office to open and then call them. Well, I felt amazing I wasn't going to go to work all those days I felt so crappy and could barely make it through and then stay home the 1 day I feel great! So I went to work and nothing came out of me for the next hour and a half. When Dr Reed's office opened at 8:30 I called and talked to Katie. She said my water broke and to get my bag and go to the hospital. I FREAKED. You should have seen my manager’s face when I told her I was in labor. lol. It was hilarious she was so freaked out! I was shaking and could barely walk to my car. I had already called Steve and told him to meet me there. Now here is the weird part. He had a meeting at one of the First National Warehouses at 9 so he was still home and able to get my bag and everything all together and meet me at the hospital. Verses coming from work and being totally un-prepared. It seriously was a blessing, God's timing is so awesome!
So I called my Mom and 2 of my best friends and told them what was up and that I would let them know when it was confirmed weither or not it was labor. There was still a big chance I would get sent home. So I get to the hospital (after driving the wrong way for awhile I was so freaked out lol), and was told there are no rooms available and they are all booked. OK seriously?? I was so worried I was going to have to go to a different hospital or something weird. So I sat in a chair in the waiting room area and leaked more fluid. Haha.
So they put me in one of the prep/recovery rooms in the OR for c-sections. So it was like a 8X8 square with only curtains. So private and lovely! But at least I didn't get sent home or to another hospital right?? So finally Steve arrives and they put me on monitors and the Baby was great but I was not having any contractions and my blood pressure was still elevated. They decided to test my fluid and see if I was just having discharge (which the nurse said was most likely that my body was just cleaning out and getting ready for birth. She said this happens in the last 2-3 weeks of pregnancy. NOT what I wanted to hear), or if it was amniotic fluid. So she tested me and we waited the longest 30 minutes of my life. We prayed, and joked, Steve went and got food (which I was NOT happy about since they wouldn't let me eat until we knew what was going on), and I cried thinking that I was gonna have to go back to work! Well, Lori (the head nurse who got assigned to me. Yay! She was amazing and I LOVED her) came in and said it was my water and we got booked! We had to stay in the curtain room for another 3 hours until a delivery room was available. So crazy! The hospital was so over booked they had 5 girls on another floor recovering and nurses had to go between floors. Isn't that crazy???
OK Peanut is awake so I'll finish another day! Hopefully I can do some more tomorrow but it might be another 2 weeks! HA


Julie said...

Girl I can't believe you went to work after your water broke!! LOL That's actually kinda funny!! If it makes you feel better, when I started labor with Bug, I worked ALL DAY LONG while having contractions about 10 minutes apart. Then I went and picked up Bubber, went home, called the Dr., who said I should go ahead and come in, THEN proceeded to go up and down the stairs 100 times because I hadn't packed my bag for the hospital yet...yeah, I'm a procrastinator.

Can't wait to hear more details! I L-O-V-E baby stories!

Jen said...

Great- leave us all hanging in suspense- I bet peanut woke up on purpose- the little stinker!

Can't wait to hear more!