So most everybody on here already knows and if you didn't you do now from my fancy dancy cute prego lady ticker. It seems SO surreal and weird and I'm not even close to being used to saying it but yes I AM PREGNANT! OMG. It was a very very long hard road to get here. A year of "trying" and then 3 months of aggressively trying with some oral fertility drugs. I can't tell you what worked and what happened. I know my body is messed up and I am NOT a buy-the-book-patient I am all sorts of messed up. I'm sure it's just because we "stopped" trying until we had our own house that it happened but praise God it did! We don't officially know when I conceived (which is driving my type A personality CRAZY) cuz I was so messed up. I had called my MOST amazing dr office and asked to come in and talk to somebody about what was going on w/ me. I was 3 weeks late but all pregnancy tests were coming up negative. I was all what?!?!? So the front desk girl (who has become one of my best friends as I called her oh every day for what seemed like months during all this) said to come in and I could see the Nurse practitioner cuz my dr was booked for 3 weeks. I decided that night to go home and pee on a stick and get yet another big fat negative and rule that out completely. So I pee on it and wait for the results to show up. So I'm just dorking around in the bathroom waiting and Steve is in the bedroom adjoined to the bathroom on the computer. I pick up the stick after a couple minutes and wala it says PREGNANT in big letters (love the digital tests!).
I think I gasped and threw it at Steve's head and told him to find the NOT word that I am so used to seeing. LOL. His eyes got REAL wide and he told me to take another one. I was out of pee! So he made me drink bottle after bottle of water to be able to take another one. So meanwhile we go downstairs to eat dinner and I am supposed to act normal in front of his parents and like nothing is going on. Yeah right. So I can't eat and am just guzzling water. So I run up and force myself to pee and take another test. Positive! OMG I am freaking out shaking crying at this point. So like 10 minutes I take ANOTHER test and it was negative. OK so it was probably pure water by this point and no hormone was left in my body right? So I sent a picture of the positive test to 2 of my BFF's and they called me both with in minutes. Screaming, crying, oh my it was quite a girl fest! So Meg told me to go buy more tests and take them in the morning when your hormone is the highest point of the day and see what they say. So I make my most amazing Husband take me to Walgreens for more tests (note: do NOT buy the cheap tests. Work like crap just invest in the good ones) and to Taco Bell for a double decker taco. Ha. Yes at like 9:30 I had my first craving. Anywho I barely slept that night and was freaking out, woke up rushed to the bathroom and took the test. Negative. What the............? Took another one like 30 minutes later and it was also negative. What is going on?? I was sick. I couldn't eat, couldn't focus at work, nothing, I was a mess. So like right at 9:30 (cuz I am a nice patient who gives them 30 minutes to open and get things organized before I call like a babbling idiot) I call my MOST AMAZING dr office and tell my new bff what is going on. She told me to just come in and see Dr. Reed and we'll figure out what is going on. Yes he was booked up to the max that day and for the following 2 weeks but she assures me they will get me in and to just come over my lunch hour. The freaking longest 2 1/2 hours go by until it's finally 12 and time for my lunch. I freaking RUN to my car and drive like a mad woman to the office, I am partly hysterical and trying to hold it together. Meanwhile I am listening to my favorite radio station ever and a song I have heard probably a million times before comes on the radio. Holy cow did I lose it. I was bawling couldn't barely see to drive (which is very safe for me and this possibility of an un born child in me right? Ha Zoom Zenner!) but yet I felt this calm, a peace come over me that no matter what they said I would get through it and I would be fine. Here are some of the lyrics from the song........
Be Near by Shane and Shane
be near, oh God be near, oh God of us Your nearness is to us our good
be near, oh God be near, oh God of us Your nearness is to us our good, our good
be near, oh God be near, oh God of us Your nearness is to us our good, our good
If you have an iPod, iPhone, cd player whatever you must get this song/download it whatever it's sooooooooooo beautiful and I cry every time I hear it now! It will for sure be one of the first songs this baby listens to in the womb and it will have to put up w/ it's Momma singing the song horribly for years :) Haha
So anywho I make it to the Dr apt in one piece and the nurse whisks me back and takes my weight and all that junk and then I start telling her what has been going on. The minute I say "5 tests 2 positive 3 neg" she makes me pee in a cup. So I sit and wait for what feels like 394830248 hours (probably 6 minutes tops) and in the hall I can hear Dr Reed syaing that he has NO time or room for 1 more client and why am I here. Oops I feel bad! So he looks at my chart and pokes his head in the room and looks at me wide eyed and goes "Rebecca are you pregnant?" and I told him I hope so! So he goes and gets my results and comes in and tells me that it was positive! Oh I grabbed him and hugged him (mind you I have only seen this man like twice before for annual's LOL). I apologized that my husband wasn't there and I had to HUG somebody right now! lol it was funny. So he made me go back for an ultra sound. What? I wasn't prepared for this! So the nurse comes in of course and he looks around and decides the baby is less then 2 weeks! It was like a little white blob on the screen. So I had to get blood drawn so they could check my hormone levels and as long as they are doubling the next couple days we are good to go. So yay more blood draws. 3 in the next 5 days. Oh joy my favorite needles! But my numbers went from 57, to 174 to over 2000! Woohoo it was viable! So I went back in for another ultra sound (this time of course Steve came). We had the u/s tech this time whom I have fallen in love with and is amazing. She did a bunch of measuring and printed us off some pictures. She showed us the heart beating (you can't hear it until after 9 weeks but you can see it on the screen). She said everything looked perfect (us mother's like to hear that word right?) and it was growing just right! She said it was still SUPER early (measuring at 5 weeks)
so she made us come back 2 weeks later so we could do ANOTHER ultra sound and figure out how big it was measuring then and give us a due date. So the next 2 weeks are hell waiting. I am sick with worry, some nausea, HEARTBURN like you wouldn't believe and bloating like mad. We finally make it to our apt day and I drag Steve along w/ me. (now mind you I must say we had told our parents and our siblings and a hand full of friends but nobody else knew so don't feel bad if your one of them. Steve was going to try to make me wait until after we were 12 weeks. Ha so not gonna happen I can't keep my mouth shut) So we go to the apt and see the most awesome u/s tech again. This time as soon as she found the baby (right away. Where as the last 2 times they had to do a little searching), we both saw the flicker of the heart and relaxed a lot. It was so awesome. It looks like an Alien! Big eye sockets, no limbs, my own little Tadpole! :) It had quadrupled in size in 2 weeks and we were super duper excited! This time she said it was measuring at 8 weeks which was accurate she said and was positive it was right verses the first 2 u/s we had. She gave us the due date of April 30th and said everything was progressing beautifully and we no longer need to worry! :)
I set up my apt for October 16th to just see Dr Reed for a normal pregnancy exam. Yay! We will also get to HEAR the heartbeat for the very first time at that apt, and I will be 12 weeks then! We are so so so excited and praising God every day for this miracle! I know I'm not completely out of the woods, I'm only 10 weeks but we are telling co workers and friends at church and feeling a little more excited.
So anywho I make it to the Dr apt in one piece and the nurse whisks me back and takes my weight and all that junk and then I start telling her what has been going on. The minute I say "5 tests 2 positive 3 neg" she makes me pee in a cup. So I sit and wait for what feels like 394830248 hours (probably 6 minutes tops) and in the hall I can hear Dr Reed syaing that he has NO time or room for 1 more client and why am I here. Oops I feel bad! So he looks at my chart and pokes his head in the room and looks at me wide eyed and goes "Rebecca are you pregnant?" and I told him I hope so! So he goes and gets my results and comes in and tells me that it was positive! Oh I grabbed him and hugged him (mind you I have only seen this man like twice before for annual's LOL). I apologized that my husband wasn't there and I had to HUG somebody right now! lol it was funny. So he made me go back for an ultra sound. What? I wasn't prepared for this! So the nurse comes in of course and he looks around and decides the baby is less then 2 weeks! It was like a little white blob on the screen. So I had to get blood drawn so they could check my hormone levels and as long as they are doubling the next couple days we are good to go. So yay more blood draws. 3 in the next 5 days. Oh joy my favorite needles! But my numbers went from 57, to 174 to over 2000! Woohoo it was viable! So I went back in for another ultra sound (this time of course Steve came). We had the u/s tech this time whom I have fallen in love with and is amazing. She did a bunch of measuring and printed us off some pictures. She showed us the heart beating (you can't hear it until after 9 weeks but you can see it on the screen). She said everything looked perfect (us mother's like to hear that word right?) and it was growing just right! She said it was still SUPER early (measuring at 5 weeks)
Meanwhile I feel like CRAP 24/7. Morning sickness all day, food aversions to EVERYTHING, I can not drink anything w/out gagging, heartburn like mad (but is under control thanks to my Zantac!), and tired all the time :( Last night I felt so yucky and wanted to just throw up everywhere (I haven't puked just feel like it all the freaking time), I just sat there and cried like the big hormonal baby that I am! Steve held me and offered to take me to Sonic (saw a commercial and decided I HAD to have it) but I was even to sick for that. After some Scene It and a back rub I felt a little better :) It's so weird. I get these totally weird cravings (sonic, taco bell anybody?), Quaso Dip from Chili's, fresh fruit 24/7, ham and Swiss sandwiches, weird weird stuff. If I don't eat exactly what I want I gag on anything and everything else. It's sooooooo annoying. I don't think I've actually cooked Steve dinner in the last oh 3 weeks :( I always feel sick and can't stand the sights and smells of most foods. I am able to eat Peanut Butter crackers and saltines and that is about it! Other then whatever I am craving at the time. Oy vey!
We have decided on names (member This Post? yeah that is why), picked out a crib/changing table and have some ideas about how we want to decorate. Now we just need a house! :*( We will have about 3 1/2 months in our house to get ready and situated which will be perfect. (speaking of the house wood framing is going up this week! Whoppie! Watch for new pictures/post!) But we are being overly cautious and don't want to buy anything. First of all it just makes no sense to buy anything now only to have to move it yet again. Silly. And I really want to wait until after our 20 week check up to make sure there are no abnormalities and everything is still "perfect". Ignorance is bliss and I know FAR to much. I read way to many blogs and I can't imagine having our nursery all set up only to have something be horrible wrong and us lose our Baby. Sorry if that is morbid but it is a risk we take. I pray over this Baby morning, noon, and night and know it's in God's hands and that he has a plan for us and this Baby. I just want to be cautious and careful and save myself heartache as much as possible! I am so ready to get a big fat belly (for now I call it my Baby Muffin Top. yeah Steve is trying to convince me that my flab is the Baby. Good try Honey but it's been here for years!) But I am ready for some maternity pants just being stubborn and want to wait a couple more weeks until I wear the big fat pregnant lady clothes! Hopefully my sickness will go away in the next couple weeks, I am really really tired of food ruling my life! :) Love to you all and thanks for putting up w/ my long ugly post and the bizarre ultra sound pictures :) Hehe!
We have decided on names (member This Post? yeah that is why), picked out a crib/changing table and have some ideas about how we want to decorate. Now we just need a house! :*( We will have about 3 1/2 months in our house to get ready and situated which will be perfect. (speaking of the house wood framing is going up this week! Whoppie! Watch for new pictures/post!) But we are being overly cautious and don't want to buy anything. First of all it just makes no sense to buy anything now only to have to move it yet again. Silly. And I really want to wait until after our 20 week check up to make sure there are no abnormalities and everything is still "perfect". Ignorance is bliss and I know FAR to much. I read way to many blogs and I can't imagine having our nursery all set up only to have something be horrible wrong and us lose our Baby. Sorry if that is morbid but it is a risk we take. I pray over this Baby morning, noon, and night and know it's in God's hands and that he has a plan for us and this Baby. I just want to be cautious and careful and save myself heartache as much as possible! I am so ready to get a big fat belly (for now I call it my Baby Muffin Top. yeah Steve is trying to convince me that my flab is the Baby. Good try Honey but it's been here for years!) But I am ready for some maternity pants just being stubborn and want to wait a couple more weeks until I wear the big fat pregnant lady clothes! Hopefully my sickness will go away in the next couple weeks, I am really really tired of food ruling my life! :) Love to you all and thanks for putting up w/ my long ugly post and the bizarre ultra sound pictures :) Hehe!
Awe!!!! Congratulations Becky (and Steve!). I heard through the grapevine a week or two ago, but wanted to wait until it was made public on your blog before I commented about it. Paul and I are so excited for you two....and what a great story- I laughed so hard, and teared up too!
I was soooo sick too with Izzy. Forget "morning" sickness. It was all day. I couldn't even imagine eating cereal (which is a staple in our house). Any red sauces made me gag. I lived on eggs and toast for the first 15 weeks I think. One day when I was like 20 weeks or so, I thought a culver's burger sounded perfect, but came home and lost it all. Oh well! Keep us posted on the pregnancy and how things go. Let me know if you have any questions- I had a rather eventful pregnancy and have seen and learned a lot!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so excited for you and can't wait to read all about your new love! :)
Sorry I'm like 2 months late to the party. CONGRATS! :)
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