May 2, 2011

30 day post- Day 21

Day 21 - A photo of something that makes you happy.

So I've been MIA and slacking the last couple days. I have the best excuse ever. We got hit with horrible virus #2 of 2011 in our house. But this time it's been worse on Mom and Dad then Hay. But honestly she was probably worse off. Poor girl. She had her 2 year well check Friday and the dr said her ear was about to rupture if we didn't get her an antibiotic. :( So first ear infection and antibiotic of the lil girl's life. But she is on the mend as am I. Can't say the same about Hubby, after 4 days straight at home w/ us I am kicking him out and asking when he is going back to work. Honestly I love the man to DEATH (obviously) but he leaves messes everywhere, walks about all pitiful and basically just MAN sick and I am sick of it! Ha. Hopefully he is better soon! I am done w/ sickness in this house!

OK sorry enough of that!
Something that makes me happy. To many to post!!
Mostly these 2 people..................

My family, friends, eating especially fast/junk food, checking my email/facebook 2931820398 times a dayshopping, pedicures, church family are just a few!!

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